Some Descendants of John COALL
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1. John COALL was born circa 1690 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA and died of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.
John married Elizabeth (COALL) UNKNOWN circa 1715. Elizabeth was born circa 1690 and died of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. | John COALL 631 was born 29 Sep 1716 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.631
3. | ii. | Joseph COALL 599 631 632 was born 18 Mar 1717/18 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA 631 and died before 6 Oct 1763 of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA.
Joseph married Amity HART,599 632 daughter of Lawrence HART and Elizabeth (HART) UNKNOWN, 29 Feb 1743/44 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA.599 632 Amity was born circa 1725 of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA and died of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. SPOUSE NOTES
4. | iii. |
Mary COALL 94 599 600 601 was born about 10 May 1719 of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA 600 601 and died after 1798 in Prob New Salem, Franklin Co., MA.600
5. | iv. | Hannah COALL 94 599 was born circa 1722 of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.
Hannah married Nathaniel HOSKINS,94 103 599 son of William HOSKINS III and Abigail HOAR, 27 Jul 1740 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.599 Nathaniel was born circa 1715 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA.
6. | v. | Elizabeth COALL 599 was born circa 1724 of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.
Elizabeth married Shadrack HOSKINS,94 103 313 son of William HOSKINS III and Abigail HOAR, 6 Nov 1742 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA.599 Shadrack was born circa 1722 of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. SPOUSE NOTES
7. | vi. | Robbord COALL 631 was born 22 Oct 1726 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.631
8. | vii. | Abial COALL 631 was born 6 Feb 1732/33 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.631
9. | viii. | George COALL 631 was born 29 Sep 1741 in Berkley, Bristol Co., MA.631
John next married Mrs. Elizabeth COLE.387 Mrs. was born circa 1690 and died of Massachusetts.
4. Mary COALL 94 599 600 601 (John 1) was born about 10 May 1719 of Berkley, Bristol Co., MA 600 601 and died after 1798 in Prob New Salem, Franklin Co., MA.600 ADDED NOTES
Mary married William HASKINS IV (See Link for Ancestry),94 599 600 son of William HOSKINS III and Abigail HOAR, 29 Oct 1738 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA.599 600 601 William was born circa 1718 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA 600 and died before 9 May 1798 in New Salem, Franklin Co., MA.600 Another name for William was William HOSKINS IV. MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
William HASKINS IV Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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