Reference Sources for the Family History of Samuel Herbert BOOTH
About These Sources : While the following list is believed to be the most relevant/reliable, new sources, corrections and additions are welcomed.
These should be directed to the author, Terry J. Booth, at email address terryjbooth@sbcglobal.net. |
1. | Adams, William (Editor), Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY, (Publ 1893. Found online at URL http://www.paintedhills.org/CATTARAUGUS/) | |
2. | Anderson, Robert Charles, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995 Note: excellent 3 vol: A-F G-O P-W. Page: 509-14 has Capt Richard Davenport with Abigail. Also found online at NEHGR website, can be accessed with an NEHGR membership.) | |
3. | Austin, John, Mayflower Pilgrim Family Genealogies through Five Generations (Volume Six, Second Edition - Stephen Hopkins), (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1995) | |
4. | Babcock, John, John Babcock of the Town of Cambridge. Will written April 8, 1800 and recorded May 10, 1804., (Will Abstracts from Washington Co. Will Book 1, filed in the Surrogate's Office in the new County Office Building in Hudson's Falls, N.Y. From Tree Talks Vol. 7 #4, December 1967. Entire will also obtained.) | |
5. | Bailey, Hollis Russell, Bailey Genealogy, James, John, and Thomas and their descendants, (1899, Citizen Co., Somerville MA.) | |
6. | Behling, Susanne Lucretia "Sam," Register Reports by Sam Behling, (Found at URL "http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~sam/". Contains NEHGR style register reports for numerous Surnames including Booth, Waite, Hoskins, Marbury and others. The information was collected over a 30 year period by a demanding genealogist, are are believed supported by substantial original source documents such as NEHGR and TAG articles, Family Genealogies, wills etc) | |
7. | Bent, Allen Herbert, The Bent Family in America: Being Mainly a Genealogy of the Descendants of John Bent who Settled in Sudbury Mass in 1638, (David Clapp & Son; Boston; 1900. Available online (as of 15 Jun 2008) @ http://books.google.com/books?id=BnwTHw-t-d0C.) | |
8. | Bicknell, Thomas Williams, History and genealogy of the Bicknell family : and some collateral lines, (Privately Published. Rhode Island 1913. Also found in ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' library.) | |
9. | Blackmar, Frank W., Kansas: a Cyclopedia of State History, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence., (Pages 1462-1463 from volume III, part 2 of Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed December 2002 by Carolyn Ward. This volume is identified at the Kansas State Historical Society as microfilm LM195. It is a two-part volume 3.) | |
10. | Bliss, Aaron Tyler, Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, (1982, Midland, MI, by the author."Including the complilations of Judge Oliver Bliss Morris, of Springfield, Massachusetts, Sylvester Bliss, Esq., of Boston MA and John Homer Bliss, of Norwich and Plainfield CT, Being a corrective reprint and revision of the latter's book which was published in 1881, and also an update through the year of 1981.") | |
11. | Blodgett, George and Brainard, Amos Jewett, Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts. A Genealogical Record of the Families who settled in Rowley before 1700, (Publication: 1981) | |
12. | Booth, Scott (sbooth@myrealbox.com), Booth Family, (A family genealogy on ancestry.com by Scott Booth, db=:1030730, that starts with Nathaniel S. His parents are not identified, but the first child, named 'Augustien', was born 1848, Nathaniel S. is shown as born 1821, and his (first) wife's name is Martha Ann Nay b.13 Sep 1821. Except for her birth date, this information matches the 1 Jun 1850 census data for Nathaniel S. Booth in Pembrioke, Genesee Co., NY.. It is clearly the same person, and the Scott Booth descendancy may therefore be used.) | |
13. | Booth, Terry J., Booth and Witcraft Family Archive of Books, Documents and Other Records, (An archive of materials collected and compiled over many years by members of the Terry J and Carol Witcraft Booth family. Information, inquires and corrections can be sent to terryjbooth@sbcglobal.net.) | |
14. | Boyden, Wallace E C., Merrill N. and Amos J., Thomas Boyden and His Descendants, (Boston MA; 1901; Privately printed. Available on NEHGR website.) | |
15. | Bradsby, Henry C. (Edited by), History of Bureau County, Illinois, (Chicago [Illinois] : World Pub. Co., 1885; 710 Pages) | |
16. | Burroughs, Clara Waite of Little Valley, NY, Descendants of Stephen Waite of Washington County and Cattaraugus County NY, (Typed Manuscript copied for Utah Genealogical & Historical Society by Grace Hildy Croft, Provo UT, 1951. Available microfilm in LDS library, BYU website @ http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=%2FFH35&CISOPTR=43524&REC=0&CISOBOX=gazetteer) | |
17. | Carpenter, Amos B., A Genealogical History of the Rehoboth Branch of the Carpenter Family in America, (Carpenter & Morehouse; Amherst MA; 1898) | |
18. | Chamberlain, George W., History of Weymouth Families (Vols 1-2), Genealogy of Weymouth Familes (Vols 3-4) , (Weymouth Historical Society, Weymouth, MA, 1923) | |
19. | Christensen, Ernest H, The Probable Parentage of Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower, (Christensen's article appeared in The American Genealogist 79 (2004); Pages 241-249. A synopsis of the article can be found on Caleb Johnson's great www.mayflowerhistory.com website.) | |
20. | Church of Later Day Saints - Family History Website, LDS International Genealogical Index, (Record notes it was extracted from a valid government/church VR, and thus has a high degree of reliability. See www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=igi/search_IGI.asp&clear_form=true) | |
21. | Church of Later Day Saints - Family History Website, LDS International Genealogical Index, (Record submitted by an LDS member with no source indicated. It should be regarded as requiring further proof. Found at www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=igi/search_IGI.asp&clear_form=true) | |
22. | Clerk of Dorchester, Vital Records of Dorchester, Suffolk Co., MA, (Available at NEHGR website.) | |
23. | Cobb, Phillip L., History of the Cobb Family, (Cleveland; 1907) | |
24. | Conant, Frederick Odell, A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America : thirteen generations, 1520-1887, (Privately Printed; Portland ME; 1887. Available online at ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories.') | |
25. | Conroy, Henry S., Family Records in the Possession of Henry S. Conroy, (A variety of statements and other materials gathered from family members, as posted on the ancestry.com website tree, db=conroyh (full URL = http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=conroyh). Site shows address as 2330 Cristina Ave, Sierra Vista, AZ, USA, 85635, email conroyh@earthlink.net.) | |
26. | County Clerk or State Department of Health, Certificate of Death, (Issued by an approved governmental department. The County, State and exact location should be indicated in the notes accompanying the source.) | |
27. | County Clerk or State Health Department, Certificate of Marriage, (Copy of original document filed with appropriate county or state agency. Number and other details of certificate to be noted in reference line.) | |
28. | County Clerks, Van Buren Co MI Marriage Records, (Online records for Van Buren Co. Marriages at http://www.rootsweb.com/~mivanbur/) | |
29. | Crossley, John, John Crossley Genealogy, (found at URL http://homepage.mac.com/jcrossley/. Sources not cited, may come from LDS IGI files.) | |
30. | Cutter, William Richard, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial : Genealogical and biographical essays on nearly 1,000 New England families, (Series 1. ) | |
31. | Daniels, Almon E. and McLean, MacLean W. ; Edited by Anne Borden Harding, William Gifford of Sandwich MA, (Various issues of NEHGR, 1974 thru 1980. Found in Vol.s 128 (1974), 129 (1975), 131 (1977) and 134 (1980).) | |
32. | DeForest, L. Effingham, William Henry Moore and his Ancestry, with Accounts of the Moore Families in the American Colonies, 1620-1730, (New York: DeForest Pub Co, 1934. Sudbury Moore begins on page 319. Available on ancetry.com as a 'Family & Local History' reference.) | |
33. | Dunbar, Edith Flanders, The Flanders Family from Europe to America : being a history of the Flanders family in America and its probable origins in Europe., (Rutland, VT; Tuttle Pub. Co.; 1935. Also found on the ancestry.com website in the 'Local and Family Histories' library.) | |
34. | Frye, Butterworth-Fry-Bowerman-Boomery of Mass & RI, (Article in TAG, Vol. 77 (Oct 2002), Pages 305-309.) | |
35. | Fuller, William Hyslop, Genealogy of some descendants of Captain Matthew Fuller, John Fuller of Newton, John Fuller of Lynn, John Fuller of Ipswich, (Privately Printed; Palmer MA; 1914. Available in ancestry.com 'Families & Local Histories' database.) | |
36. | Gage, Thomas, The History of Rowley, Anciently Including Bradford, Boxford and Georgetown From The Year 1639 to the Present Time, (Ferdinand Andrews, Boston (1840)) | |
37. | Hart, James M., Genealogical history of Samuell Hartt from London, England, to Lynn, Mass., 1640 and descendants, to 1903, (Privately Published by the author James M. Hart, Pasadena, CA; ca 1903. Database available online from NEHGR website, http://www.newenglandancestors.org/research/database/genealogies/Hartt/default.asp) | |
38. | Harvey Cushman Pierce, Seven Pierce Families : A Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages of the First Seven Generations of Pierces in America, (Washington DC; 1936. Contains genealogies for Seven Pierce Families, some nowhere else shown. Includes Abraham of Plymouth, Daniel of Newbury, John of Watertown, Michael of Scituate, Richard of Portsmouth RI, Robert of Dorchester, Thomas of Charlestown. Only the first 7 generations, not much text support, explaining the low page count, but still invaluable for some lines. A copy available in ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' library.) | |
39. | Hayward, Elijah, A Genealogical Account of the Edsons, Early Settled in Bridgewater, with Appendices, (Privately Printed; Lowell [MA]; 1864.) | |
40. | Hoard, Lyon J. and Horr, Norton T., English Ancestry of Hezekiah Hoar; and A Record of Descendants of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts with an Historical Introduction, (from NEHGR Jan 1987 Pages 22-33 and/or 'A Record of Descendants of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts with an Historical Introduction', by Norton T. Horr, Cleveland, Ohio 1907. Ancestry.com trees referencing these sources include 'Corkery/Smith' by Teresa Smith, db=:1864706, 'Rinehold & Redding Ancestors', db=:3001815, and 'Hezekiah II' by Kimberly Fraser, db=klf) | |
41. | Holman, Mary Lovering, English Notes on Edmund Rice, (The American Genealogist, vol 10 no 3, Jan 1934, pp133-137.) | |
42. | Johnson, Caleb H., The Mayflower and Her Passengers, (Xlibris Books; 2006; www.xlibris.com. An excellent summary of the high points of each of the 102 Mayflower passengers, including a great deal of original new research by the author regarding the origins anjd relationships of many of them.291 pages with sources.) | |
43. | Johnson, Caleb H., The True Origins of Mayflower Passenger Stephen Hopkins, (Appeared in The American Genealogist, Vol. 73 (1998); Pages 161-171. A synopsis of the article can be found on Caleb Johnson's great www.mayflowerhistory.com website.) | |
44. | Johnson, Edward F. (Compiler), Woburn Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages From 1640 to 1873, (Andrews, Cutler & Co., Woburn, Mass., 1890-1918) | |
45. | Jones, Melvin E., Genealogy of Jones, Hathaway, Richards, Gooding., (Boston, MA; M.E. Jones (Privately Printed); 1934. A copy can be found in the ancestry.com 'local and family histories' library.) | |
46. | Kelsey, Stephen Jorgensen (e-mail : sjkelsey@msn.com), Descendants of Robert Spink and Alice, (found at http://www.geocities.com/sjkelsey2001/spink/. Address is 5368 Cottonwood Club Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117, USA Tel per website: 801-278-1710. Appears to be well researched, but further confirmations are suggested if an important link is involved.) | |
47. | Kmiecik, Linda Lightholder, THE EARLY DRURY LINE OF NEW ENGLAND, Some Descendants to 1850 of Hugh Drury (c. 1617-1689), (Self published by Linda Lightholder Kmiecik, 1990.) | |
48. | Makepeace, William, The genealogy of the Makepeace families in the United States : from 1637 to 1857 , (Boston, David Clapp; 1858. A copy is available in the ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' online library.) | |
49. | Martin, David Kendall, The Children of Nathaniel4 and Alice (Hackett) Richmond of Taunton, MA, (Published in TAG (The American Genealogist); Vol. 79 (Jan/Apr 2004), pages 82-84.) | |
50. | McIntosh, T. R., Densmore Genealogy Notes', (Harrisburg, PA; 1996. Also see the Conkey website with several ganerations of Thomas Densmore descendants, at http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/Conkey/Densmore.html.) | |
51. | McIntyre, Sandra & Norm, Napoli Cemetary Gravestones, (Compilation of Napoli Cemetery Association Records by Painted Hills Genealogical Society. Found at website URL http://www.paintedhills.org/CATTARAUGUS/SNapoliCem.html) | |
52. | McNaughton, Yvonne, Jemimah Babcock Line - Partial Download from 'Moms File', ('Moms File' is Listed on Ancestry.com. As of October, 2004 it contained over 5,000 individiuals, each well documented. Contacts: Author/File Keeper Yvonne McNaughton, yvoncmac@aol.com, Ancestry.com Site Maintained by Adrienne Kramer, adrikramer@aol.com. It has subsequently been verified from other sources.) | |
53. | Merrick, Barbara Lambert & Williams, Alicia Crane, Middleboro, Bristol Co., MA Vital Records, (Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants; 1986 - Transcribed from early volumes of .Mayflower Descendants' Journal. Also found in various internet databases containing vital records from Massachusetts and other towns, including Middleborough, such as http://www.rays-place.com/marrage/middlebor-ma-m.htm) | |
54. | Muskett, Joseph James; and Winthrop, Robert Charles, Evidences of the Winthrops of Groton, co. Suffolk, England, and of families in and near that county, with whom they intermarried, (Privately printed, 1896. Available online @ http://books.google.com/books?id=7dYKAAAAYAAJ. See especially page 25 pedigree for Winthrop of Groton, Co., Suffolk @ http://books.google.com/books?id=7dYKAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA25) | |
55. | Paine, Henry D.; editor, Paine family records: a journal of genealogical and biographical . ., (New York; 1880; Volume I. Ipswich Branch by Albert W Paine of Bangor ME begins online @ http://books.google.com/books?id=az5EAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA177) | |
56. | Peckham, Stephen Farnum, John Peckham of Newport, Rhode Island and Some of His Descendants., (NEHGR Vol 57 (Jan & April 1903), Pages 31-39, 154-163. Contains a detailed genealogy of the first several generations. Mentions several children of John and Rebekah Babcock of Dartmouth MA.) | |
57. | Peirce, Ebenezer W. of Freetown MA, The Peirce Family, (Ebenezer was a dedicated family genealogist and historian. His first work appeared in NEHGR, Vol. 21, January 1867, pages 61-65 but was continued for several years and in n umerous issues - it is the 'short version' of the early Peirces. His 'large version' contains some 500 pages, "The Peirce family of the old colony, or, The lineal descendants of Abraham Peirce : who came to America as early as 1623"; Ebenezer W. Peirce; Boston; David Clapp & Son; 1870, available in the ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' online library.. The pages cited herein may refer to either, with 61-65 or a Vol # obviously referring to the NEHGR article.) | |
58. | Pierce, Frederick C;ifton & Whitney Research Group, John Whitney Family, (Family Register found at http://www.whitneygen.org/families/johnw/index.html. The Jonathan Whitney Register is at http://www.whitneygen.org/families/johnw/john43.html. Whitney Family information is primarily derived and transcribed from: 'The Descendants of John Whitney,Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635'.Chicago: 1895. Transcribed by the Whitney Research Group, 1999) | |
59. | Pierce, Fredrick Clifton & Unknown, Pierce Genealogy Being the Record of the Posterity of Capt. Michael, John and Capt. William Pierce, (Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1889. An excellent text for this line, it has been supplemented and occasionally corrected by an ancestry.com tree maintained by 'unknown', db=:a23191, email: incoyote@ridgecrest.ca.us. Wish there was more to document 'unknown', as sometimes the old birthdates are too exact for comfort. But most of the sources are shown in the text notes.) | |
60. | Porter, Harold F., Jr., The Paternal Ancestry of Thomasine Frost, Wife of Deacon Edmund1 Rice of Sudbury, Mass., (See The American Genealogist 63 (1988): 129-37.) | |
61. | Pramberg, Noreen C., compiler, Four Generations of the Descendants of John and Dorcus Pearson of Rowley, Massachusetts in 1643, (Newburyport MA: Parker River Researchers, 1994) | |
62. | Randall, Frank Alfred, Randall and Allied Families : William Randall of Scituate and His Descendants w/Ancestral Families, (Chicago IL; Raveret-Weber; 1943; 597 Pages. Can be found in ancestry.com 'Family and Local Histories' online library.) | |
63. | Ray's Place, Vital Records by Town, (Transcribed vital records of various MA and CT towns - URL is http://www.rays-place.com/town/index.htm) | |
64. | Richardson, Douglas, Plantagent Ancestry, (Genealogical Publishing Society; 2004; Baltimopre MD; 945 pages.) | |
65. | Richmond, Joshua Bailey, The Richmond Family, (Boston; 1897. A pdf copy of the book, and other Richmond history, is available at the Richmond Family website, URL = http://www.richmondancestry.org/) | |
66. | Roberts, Gary Boyd, Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants, (Genealogical Publishing Co.; Baltimore; 2004.) | |
67. | Roser, Susan E., Mayflower Increasings, (2nd. ed., 1996) | |
68. | Ross, Carol [djhears@aol.com], some additions by Lucinda Murdock [ljhelmes@aol.com], 'Booth' and 'Booth - Murdock' ancestry.com trees, (Found on ancestry.com ('Anc')website - the trees are recognizable because the names are typed in 'ALL CAPS'. They list many records derived from obituaries, county histories and other difficult to find original sources. Since many vital records do not exist at this time in many of the states where these families lived, such alternate sources are extremely important. The original entries were primarily by Carol Ross, Anc db= :594767, with additional Lucinda Murdock entries found at Anc db=:1715618. Corroborating documentation should be sought if possible. ) | |
69. | Savage, James J., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, (Boston, 1860-62. Considered a basic source for all New England family research. Sometimes mistaken where complicated families are involved, but one cannot go wrong starting here. Available online and in the ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' online library.) | |
70. | Sawyier, Nathaniel and Walker, Joseph Burbeen, A genealogy of some of the descendants of William Sawyer of Newbury, Mass. : embracing ten generations, (William E. Moore; Manchester NH; 1889. A copy of this book can be found online in the ancestry.com 'Family and Local Histories' Library.) | |
71. | Schaul, Glynda M., Joseph Booth2 of Delaware and Descendants, (Email to Malcolm "Mac" Young concerning Schaul's ancestors from Joseph Booth of Delaware. Address per email is Glynda M. Schaul; willow29_@excite.com; 481 E. Chestnut; Union, Oregon 97883. Also see ancestry.com tree for Kathleen Ellis, db=ellis1992, email ellis1992@aol.com - the tree lacks sources but is prob from reliable family information given the specific birth dates.) | |
72. | Schneider, M., Ancestry of William Babcock, (1983) | |
73. | Shaw, Kenneth Linwood III, Abraham Shaw of Watertown and Dedham, Massachusetts, New England in Progress, (Ancestry.com Tree 'John Shaw of Plymouth Plantation', db=kenshaw2001. An excellent and carefully researched collection of data from bibles, town vital records, grave yards and people throughout the US and Canada, most data as of 11th October 2001. References not cited, but are largely traceable to VR records. Site notes address as kenshaw68@netzero.net; 37 Taunton Green, Post Office Box 1016, Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts 02780.) | |
74. | Sheridan, Doris R Sheridan - dody11@prodigy.net, The Worden Family, (A well documented website with a Worden genealogy back to Peter I. Includes numerous references and citations as well as commentary. URL is http://members.tripod.com/~catnip13/Worden-3.html) | |
75. | Sherman, Robert Moody; Vincent, Verle Delano; Revised by Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 15 : Families of James Chilton and Richard More, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1997) | |
76. | Smith, Columbus, Report of the Booth Association of the United States, (A.D. 1868. Contains the organization, constitution, and information relative to common 'scam' of the time to obtain a share of large amounts of 'unclaimed' Booth property in England; with some Pedigrees (largely unproven) of the different branches of the Booth family in America and England. Includes children of Joseph 5 Booth (descendant of John Booth of Scituate MA).) | |
77. | Snow, Nora E. and Myrtle M. Jillson, The Snow-Estes Ancestry 2 Vols., (Hillburn, New York, 1939) | |
78. | Soule, Col. John E. and Terry, Milton E., Ph.D., Mayflower Families through Five Generations - Vol. 3, George Soule, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Boston MA; 1980 [NOTE - there is a second edition that was revised by Robert S. Wakefield) | |
79. | Spooner, Thomas, The Spooner Family, (Article in NEHGR, Vol. 23 Pages 407- (Oct 1869). Early genealogy on the MA Spooners. Also published as a book, Cincinnati Press, 1883. See ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' online library.) | |
80. | Stanton, William S, Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and His Descendants, 1635-1891, (Albany, NY; Joel Munsell's Sons; 1891. This title is in the ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' database.) | |
81. | Thomas, Helen Gurney, Vital Records of Freetown Massachusetts 1686 through 1890, (Heritage Books; 1988; unpaginated) | |
82. | Thurston, Charles Myrick, Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name in the colony of Rhode Island, (1868; Trow & Smith Book Mfg Co; NY. Available in ancestry.com 'Families and Local Histories' online library.) | |
83. | Town Clerks, Vital records of New Bedford, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, to the year 1850, (Can be found in microfiche records maintained by Winnetka Public Library and elsewhere.) | |
84. | Town Clerks, Vital records of Taunton, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, (Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund, 1928-29, 3 Volumes.) | |
85. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1790 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of (approx.) 1 Aug 1790.) | |
86. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1810 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of (approx) 1 Aug. 1810.) | |
87. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1840 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1840.) | |
88. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
89. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
90. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1870 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1870.) | |
91. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1880 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1880.) | |
92. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1900 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is 1 Jun 1900.) | |
93. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1910 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 15 Apr 1910.) | |
94. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1920 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jan 1920.) | |
95. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1930 Census of the United States, (As found on ancestry.com website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Apr 1930.) | |
96. | Upton, William Henry, Upton family records : being genealogical collections for an Upton family history, (London; Mitchell & Hughes; 1893. This book is in the ancestry.com 'Local and Family Histories' libery.) | |
97. | Van Antwerp, Lee D. Compiler, Vital Records of Plymouth, Plymouth, MA - To the year 1850, (Picton Press, Camden, Me. (1993)) | |
98. | Van Wood, Ralph, Mayflower Families through Five Generations - Vol. 12, Francis Cooke, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1996.) | |
99. | Various - see detail for identity of db, Family Tree Presented on Ancestry.com, (Search page from www.ancestry.com) | |
100. | Various Deceased., Last Will and Testament, (Probate Court of County or State of Residence. Specifics should be added in 'details' line.) | |
101. | Various Families of Deceased, Gravestone Inscriptions as Recorded by Volunteers and Posted on Ancestry.com., (Cite Cemetery Name etc in Details) | |
102. | Various Staff, Long Prairie Leader / Todd County Argus, (Long Prairie dealt with local news, the Argus with County wide. Prob weeklies. The Leader published a series of biographies in the 1930's and 1940's. Contained obituaries weddings etc. Names include Jonas Booth, Zaval Booth, Justina Booth, Elvira Booth, the Fullers and Taylors, many other relatives and children. Carol Ross graciously provided many of the 100+ year old obituaries.) | |
103. | Various Town Clerks, Vital Records of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, (Boston, Massachusetts : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1929-1930, 3 Volumes.) | |
104. | Various Town Clerks, Vital Records of the Town of Bridgewater Massachusetts to the year 1850, (NEHGR, Boston MA; 1916. Also found online in ancestry.com 'Family & Local Histories' Collection.) | |
105. | Various Town Clerks, Transcribed by John A. Maltby, of Redwood City, California, Easton, Massachusetts Vital Records Transcription, (from "Easton, Massachusetts, Bristol County, Births, Deaths and Marriages by Families, 1697-1847" as found on LDS microfilm #1059901. which states " Easton, March 1, 1880. This certifies that the contents of this book are a true and faithful transcript of the original Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the said town of Easton contained in the First and Second books of said Record. Attest, Geo. G. Withington, Town Clerk of Easton. Sworn to 1 Mar. 1880 before Charles H. Reed, Justice of the Peace.", found at http://home.earthlink.net/~lilymaltby/easton_vital_records.html#Page253) | |
106. | Various, Massachusetts Town Birth Records, Partial Compilation, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1914) | |
107. | Various, New England Historical and Genealogical Record, (A quarterly publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the first issue published in 1847. Considered an authoritative and well documented source, with all articles carefully reviewed prior to publication by professional genealogists. Available online 1847-1996 at the NEHGR website (www.newenglandancestros.com).) | |
108. | Various, See Source Notes for documentation., (The source for this information will be seen in the notes for person referenced in the details for this source.) | |
109. | Various, The Complete Mayflower Descendant, Vols. 1-46 (1899-1996), and subsequent issues, (Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Published by Family Tree Maker's Family Archives, CD #203; Broderbund Software, Inc.; 1997) | |
110. | Various, Various, (See details for full citation) | |
111. | Various, Various, (See details for specific citation of Journal, Vol. #, Date, etc.) | |
112. | Various, Wikipedia : The Free Encyclopedia, (A hage internet database containing millions of user entries on a vast array of topics, especially strong in History and biographies, media and many other topics. Accessible @ http://www.wikipedia.org) | |
113. | Wait, John Cassan, Family records of the descendants of Thomas Wait of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, (New York, 1904. Available on ancestry.com website as a Family & Local Histories selection.) | |
114. | Wakefield, Robert S. and Stover, Margaret, Revised by., Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 10 : Samuel Fuller, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1996) | |
115. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 18 : Family of Richard Warren, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2001-2004, Parts I (Four Generations, Revised 2001) and III (5th Generation of Abigail, Nathaniel and Joseph only)) | |
116. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 18 : Family of Richard Warren, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2001-2004. Parts I (Four Generations, Revised 2001) and III (5th Generation of Abigail, Nathaniel and Joseph only)) | |
117. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 7 (Second Edition) : Family of Peter Brown, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2002) | |
118. | Waterman & Watkins Co., History of Cass County, Michigan : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers , (Chicago; Waterman & Watkins; 1882) | |
119. | Westgate, Alice W. A.; Revised Ann T. Reeves, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 19 : Family of Thomas Rogers, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2000) | |
120. | Whitcomb, William Arthur, as compiled by Howard Dakin French, Sutton Family, (Published in NEHGR for Jan. 1937, Vol. 91, pages 61-68.) | |
121. | White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, (Picton Press; Camden ME; 1990 (Vol. 1) and 1993 (Vol 2)) | |
122. | Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford; edited by Alicia Crane Williams, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 16, John Alden, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1999 (Part 1), 2004 (Part 3)) | |
123. | Young, Malcolm A. "Mac," John Booth of Marshfield and Scituate, Massachusetts, (Pages 220-234, NEHGR Vol. 159, July 2005. This is the definitive source for all information on the first Booth in America in this line (1634-bef 1709), arriving ca 1644 as a servant for Gov. Edward Winslow or his son. John 1 fathered 8 children by wife Elizabeth Granger 1636-bef1721) | |
124. | Young, Malcom A. "Mac," The Two Wives of Benjamin Booth of Early Scituate & Middleborough MA., (The American Genealogist, July 1999; Vol. 74, No. 3. Pages 175-182. Excellent review of Benjamin 2 and his 2 wives who are otherwise difficult to identify.) | |